Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The 12 Days of Fitmas Day 10

Why stretching matters for EVERYONE,

and some tips on motivation to get your body moving

Let's start with motivation

If someone told you that they wake up, every morning, ready to conquer the day and workout, I'd call them a liar. You are not alone in this feeling. That being said, I do wake up 45 minutes earlier than necessary 2 - 3 days a week to workout. It's usually 3 from Spring to Fall, but once the sun comes up later, it's usually 2. That sunlight is sometimes my only motivation to get out of bed. I realize working out in the morning doesn't fit everyone's schedule, but these tips below can be adapted to work for you as well. These are just some tips that have worked for myself and people I know, they are not formally scientifically proven.
1. Set your phone background or lock screen to something you find inspirational
  • Your own progress pictures
  • A motivational quote
  • A health checklist
  • A picture of what your goal is. If you're training for a marathon, make it a picture of the finish line. If you want to walk your daughter down the aisle at her wedding without a cane and knee pain, make it a picture of an aisle at a church.
  • Your reasons for working out. I like this one cause it's a way to combat your excuses before you even make them.

2. Sleep in your workout clothes. This is my go to. If I'm not ready to rock as soon as I wake up, I probably won't workout. Hear me out before you call me crazy. If you wake up in the morning and all you have to do is take off your pajamas, you might be more likely to complete your workout. It's hard to convince yourself to skip it if you're already dressed.

So how do I do this? Cotton sports bras. I have tiny boobs that don't really need much support, so I realize it might not be realistic for everyone to wear them while working out, but they are great good for sleeping cause they're not too tight and the fabric is soft. Throw on an tank top under the pj top, and you're good to go. On the bottom half, I do it one of two ways. First is, I sleep with Soffee shorts on under my pajamas. Again, they are cotton, so good for sleeping. When I run out of clean, cotton shorts, I sleep in cotton yoga pants.

10 reasons to stretch

  1. Decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion. Stretching helps improve your range of motion which may also slow the degeneration of the joints.

  2. May reduce your risk of injury. A flexible muscle is less likely to become injured from a slightly extensive movement. By increasing the range of motion in a particular joint through stretching, you may decrease the resistance on your muscles during various activities.
  3. Helps relieve post-exercise aches and pains. After a hard workout, stretching the muscles will keep them loose and lessen a shortening and tightening effect that can lead to post-workout aches and pains.
  4. Improves posture. Stretching the muscles of the lower back, shoulders and chest will help keep your back in better alignment and improve your posture.
  5. Helps reduce or manage stress. Well stretched muscles hold less tension and therefore, leave you feeling less stressed.
  6. Reduces muscular tension and enhances muscular relaxation. Stretching allows the muscles to relax. Habitually tense muscles tend to cut off their own circulation resulting in a lack of oxygen and essential nutrients.
  7. Improves mechanical efficiency and overall functional performance. Since a flexible joint requires less energy to move through a wider range of motion, a flexible body improves overall performance by creating more energy-efficient movements.
  8. Prepares the body for the stress of exercise. Stretching prior to exercise allows the muscles to loosen up and become resistant to the impact they are about to undergo.
  9. Promotes circulation. Stretching increases blood supply to the muscles and joints which allow for greater nutrient transportation and improves the circulation of blood through the entire body.
  10. Decreases the risk of low-back pain. Flexibility in the hamstrings, hip flexors and muscles attached to the pelvis relieves stress on the lumbar spine which in turn reduces the risk of low-back pain. ACE Top Ten Reasons To Stretch
Even if you do not workout, stretching regularly is still a good idea. Stretching helps you complete daily tasks easier, it reduces chronic pain, and improves posture. People who work sitting at a desk can also benefit from stretching.

A simple search on pinterest will show you many different stretching activities. I love the ones by Livestrong & popsugar fitness. Check out the ones I love below!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

12 Days of Fitmas day 6: Healthy Families

Healthy Mom = Healthy Families

My life motto

My Saturday / Sunday routines
The weekend is for family.

It doesn't always go as planned, but we always try to get in one workout and go on an adventure. When I say "we", I mean me and my four year old son. Instead of watching cartoons, he loves to workout with me in the morning. Instead of asking him to leave me alone, we I let him lead the workout. It usually looks something like this. 

Depending on weather, and our schedule, we ALWAYS go on an adventure on the weekend. Sometimes it's saturday, sometimes SUnday, but it always gets done. This is usually just a hike in the woods, but the moments we have together in the woods are truly amazing. Why do I like hiking in the forest so much? This is why I benefit from it, but read on below to find out how it benefits the whole family. 

Why encouraging your kids to be active with you is important

Our kids watch everything we do. They learn from everything we do. Why wouldn't you want them to see you having a healthy relationship with exercise, your body, and nutrition. These observances are what form the foundation for becoming healthy adults. 

Active Kids 

All moms want the best for their children. This, of course, applies to health too. Families can be active together anywhere; indoors or out. I prefer outdoors, but we've made memories indoors too. Being active together only enhances and strengthens our family bonds. 

Some ideas for being an active family indoors: inflatable house, trampoline park, indoor swimming, indoor playground, and more. The key to these activities though is THAT YOU DO THEM AS WELL. GET UP, GET MOVING, AND HAVE FUN.
One of my biggest pet peeves is the mom at the park who tells me she wished she had a body like mine after having kids, then sits at the park while her kid plays and sits on her phone. I'm not saying I NEVER do this, but a playground is really just workout equipment designed to look like fun. Here's a link to a blog post I wrote about getting a full body workout whilt at the park. Get kiddy with it

Why do I love taking my son on hikes?

Besides the great workout I get when we walk three miles together, it is truly magical to see him explore.  This photo below pretty much sums up what I see when I watch him go off the trail and climb a tree or whatever. I see it all, everyday. There is nothing more magical than that. 

Raising healthy eaters

This is the hard part. I'm not always successful, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that I think are my secret weapons.

1. Hiding veggies in EVERYTHING! 

  1. Spinach hidden in smoothies. J thinks it's his special "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shake" cause it's green. I told him it probably will turn him into a ninja
  2. Hidden veggie noodles. Enough said. Barilla has two good kinds. 
  3. This is my favorite trick. I call it the Cauliflower Cheese Switcheroo. I have an old parmeseasn cheese shaker I save. Once a week, I steam cualiflower then run it through the food processor, and put it in the shaker. My son thinks it's his special cheese. He adds it to everything. He has no idea. 

2. Family Dinner

These are so important. You can call me old fashioned, but I don't care. Having a time when we all prepare a meal, then sit down to eat and talk together was huge for me growing up and I love that I can do that for my son. It doesn't happen every night, and he doesn't always like what we have, but we all sit and talk about our day. I believe that this encourages even healthier habits in our children.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

The 12 Days of Fitmas day 4!

 The 12 Days of Fitmas day 4!

Yoga, Yoga, Yoga. 

Why should you be doing yoga?

How Yoga Saved My Life

Yoga is what started me on my health and fitness journey. 
I will never forget the night I decided I should try yoga. 
I was living with my bf and his brother and going to college. It was the Sunday before midterms. It was also our neighbor's birthday. I couldn't find the book, or the materials, or whatever that I needed to finish a take home test that was due the next morning. The boys were watching a movie for the neighbor's birthday. I think it was Green Lantern. I don't remember. All I know is that it was a superhero movie and there lots of guns and fighting. This is when I had my first, and only true, panic attack. Heart racing, felt like I was being held under water, couldn't breath, crying. It was horrible. The next day I signed up for a yoga class and fell in love. I did it on and off for the next year until I got pregnant. 

After I had my son, I developed restless leg syndrome. It was horrible. I was surviving on three hours of sleep a night. It wasn't healthy. I cried to my doctors. The only way to give me the real medicine for restless leg syndrome, I had to do a 3 day sleep study. Meaning, I had to go to the hospital and sit in a room for three days. I was a working mother and student. Nobody has time for that shit! They gave me sleeping pills, which worked sometimes, but I hated them. I wouldn't wake up if my son cried, I was a monster in the mornings, it didn't work for me. I was at my wits end when I found Tara Stiles on youtube. Her night time yoga was absolutely amazing. Three years later, I have no trouble sleeping. 

My yoga schedule

I do yoga at least 14 times a week; a morning routine to wake me up & a bed time routine so I fall asleep quickly, every day. I will never give those up. I also do one cardio yoga workout a week, as well as a half hour stretch session weekly. Here are some links to the Tara Stiles workouts that I can not live without. There are also a lot of other ideas for a good yoga workout on there. 

Click here for all sorts of ideas on how you can get your sweat on today with a good stretch session. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The 12 Days of Fitmas Day 2!

The 12 Days of Fitmas Day 2!

Today's focus: cardio & nutrition 

Let’s talk cardio 

What defines a "cardio workout"?

Why is cardio an important part of the health and fitness equation?

Types of cardio:

low intensity, intervals, circuits, etc., running outdoors, running on a track, playing a sport, etc. 

My theories on cardio

Given that there are so many options for cardio workouts, I don’t like dictating what my clients do.  I do give guidelines, suggestions, and assistance, but I don't usually plan it out for my clients. I did put together a circuit workout (above), as well as a few other I found on Popsugar Fitness. 

  1. I try to structure my strength training workouts so that they do get, and keep, the heart rate up. 
  1. Two people might find they prefer a typical style. I don’t care if you choose to run outside, intervals on the treadmill, HIIT, or whatever. As long as you get it done. I also encourage clients to try all different kinds of cardio workouts. This is how you find what you like. 
  1. Cardiovascular fitness is a major key to reaching any health and fitness goals. I take all of my clients goals personally, and am always there for support, but at the end of the day, these goals belong to them only. I can not put it in the work for them. Giving guidelines and choices, puts the responsibility of getting it done on the individual.  

Let's talk nutrition

My top 3 beliefs/principals when it comes to healthy eating 
  1. Balance is key
I do not believe in removing any of the food groups from your diet. I think everything in moderation. I follow the guidelines set forth by the USDA @ In a later blog, I will discuss how I apply these to my whole family
  1. Breakfast is golden: I get it. Mornings are busy. There is no need for your health to suffer though. A good breakfast will help keep you focused all day and help you make healthy food choices all day long.  One of my favorites is overnight oats. It's so versatile, filling, and you can knock out your fruit dietary needs for the day. 
  1. Family dinners: make it a habit
This may be old fashioned, but I believe having dinners together as a family make eating healthy much easier. 
Not only will this show your entire family that healthy eating is important, but you'll start thinking about what you're putting on your plate. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

The 12 Days of Fitmas! Day 1

Welcome to The 12 Days of Fitmas! Day 1. I have shared today's workout above. In addition to the workout, I wanted to talk about two other things that I think are important for anyone training with me to know. First, I'll talk about finding your motivation. Second, I'll discuss some of the theories behind the workouts I have put together. Enjoy!

Staying Motivated

I get asked a lot, "how do you stay motivated to work out every day?" The truth is, I am not motivated every day. Some days, this gets the best of me and I skip a workout, but most days I am motivated by myself. I am motivated by my "whys". These are the reasons I work out. These are the reason I continually work to better myself. 

 A "why" can, and will, change. You can have more than one reason to continue on a healthy journey, at any certain point in time. Even if your reason changes, or is one of many, that does not make it any the less important. These reasons are what will keep you motivated. You can look at every inspirational blog post, instagram photo, or whatever, but until you find YOUR "why", is when exercise becomes fun and when true growth occurs. This is when you become your own motivation. 

My "whys":
1. To be strong
2. To be a good role model for my family
3. To have the energy to keep up with my son
4. To maintain my health as I age
5. It relieves stress
6. To prove the person who once told me, "It's a waste to exercise after having kids. You'll never get your body back. You're foolish for trying." WRONG!
7. Seeing my hard work pay off
8. My self confidence
9. For those kick-ass progress photos

My Training Philosophy

As part of any exercise program I put together for clients, there is some type of resistance training that focuses on functional movement. These workouts are each structured around one of the 3 planes of movement. 

Planes of Movement

Because we are three demensional, human movement is broken down into planes of movement. I am going to try to explain this as simply as I can. I apologize in advance if it's too technical.

Sagittal plane : Imagine a sheet of glass dividing your body in half, right in the middle of your chest. All sagittal plane movements happen parallel to this line. In other words, these movements move you forward or backwards.

Frontal plane: This plane comes from the side & perfectly divides your body into two halves, your front side, and your back side. Frontal plane movements are side to side.

Transverse plane: Transverse movements allow your body to twist and rotate. 

Functional Movement 

As a personal trainer, follow the functional movement and resistance training protocol set forth by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). This means, when any client comes to me, they are in one of three phases.  
  1. Stability and mobility training: the goal in this phase is to develop stable and balanced joints and muscles throughout the body. 
  1. Movement training: building upon phase 1, this phase is meant to develop stable, balanced, and fluid movement patterns. 
  1. Load training: again, building upon the the previous two phases, load training adds external weights to the movements to develop muscular strength and control. 

Why does this matter?

I build upon the above ideas, as well as others, when developing any workout plan. I believe that when focusing on functional movement exercises, it is a natural progression to training planes of movement. At the very least, exercise should give you the strength and ability to perform activities of daily living without strain, and I thinking training planes of movement is an efficient way to do that.  Training this way promotes muscular balance, strong movements, and prevents injury. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The 12 Days of Fitmas!

Hey Internet universe, I’ve posted on my social media accounts about celebrating something I’m calling, “The 12 Days of Fitmas”.  

Last week, I had a horrible stomach ache. Thought it was the worst menstrual cramps ever and that it would pass. Long story short, it didn’t. I had an emergency appendectomy. The surgery wasn’t too bad, and I am recovering well. While I’m enjoying a little rest, I am not happy that I still have another 12 DAYS UNTIL I CAN PICK UP ANY WEIGHTS. I am going a little stir crazy about it, so I thought I’d share workouts I would want to be doing.  

The 12 Days of Fitmas is like a sneak peak into what the programs I plan for my clients are like. 
I do most of my workouts at home. I have a full set of dumbells that I use, but they can be adapted for the gym as well. 

Plan organization  

3 days cardio 

2 days of yoga 

workouts/week that are a mixture of full body, weighted and body weight exercises. 
They are done in circuits. 
I don’t focus on arms, abs, or legs, like most people do. Instead, I focus each of these workouts on one of the three planes of movement; transverse, sagittal, and frontal.  I’ll go into detail about why I do it this way in a later blog post. 

The schedule will look like this:

These workouts for The 12 Days of Fitmas are general. For myself and clients, the workouts are more tailored to meet specific goals. 

There will be a blog post to accompany each picture containing insights on to how exercise affects the body, explaining the workout, and maybe including some recipes. 
My fitness journey, so far. 

A little information before you start:  
If you are a beginner exerciser, have any health precautions/worries, or are just unsure, PLEASE CONTACT ME. Exercise is good for your health, but like all activity, there is a potential of injury. Without assessments and medical history, I will not take responsibility for any injuries that occur while doing these workouts.