Thursday, June 30, 2016

True life: My son can be an asshole sometimes

I had a new mommy friend post a video on Facebook the other day of a little girl telling her mom not to go to work. My friend, bless her heart, thought it was so cute and heartbreaking, exclaiming that, "she'd quit her job right then and there." A few mommies agreed it was sad, but were quick to inform her that, well, to be honest, kids can be huge brats sometimes. 

I AM NOT SAYING ALL KIDS ARE BRATS! I'm just saying when they're hungry, tired, frustrated,  or confused, they tend to say things that, we hope, they would take back when they know better. Hell, I know some adults who act like that. I may be one of them. #Hangry

So, before we go any farther, I want to state how incredibly smart, sweet, and amazing my toddler is. He is three, going to be four. He is my world. I don't know if all moms feel this way, but every time my son says something that's horrible, I feel validated, like I'm doing a good job. I don't back down from my stance when he says mean things, I stand firmer.  "You're the worst.", "I'm doing my job!"is a frequent exchange at my house. What I would really like to say is, "I know I'm the worst, but your dad is too busy to be bothered by a child, so I'm all you got kid."

I thought it would be kind of funny for all us parents out there to share the WORST thing you're son or daughter has ever said/done to you that was extremely bratty. 

I thought I'd start with my son's worst quote.
As I'm getting him on the bus one morning, "Just cause you don't want me anymore, doesn't mean you should send to me school." 

And my mother's story:

When I was younger, when I didn't get what I wanted, I would hold my breath until I passed out. This worked twice. Every other time, my parents just let me pass out cause, as a doctor told them, "she'll start breathing again automatically when she faints

There will be no judgement or hate here, just solidarity among parents who are holding on to their sanity by a string. Comment below with your war stories!